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Text File
888 lines
| README file for
| ELSA graphics driver disc for Windows NT 4.0 build 1381.
| Copyright (c) 1993-97 ELSA GmbH, Aachen (Germany)
| Subsidary:
| Sonnenweg 11 2150 Trade Zone Blvd.
| D-52070 Aachen Suite 101
| Germany San Jose, CA 95131
| Phone : +49-241-606-0 Phone: +1-408-935-0350
| Support Fax: +49-241-606-6399 Phone: 1-800-272-ELSA
| BBS (modem): +49-241-606-9800 Fax : +1-408-935-0370
| BBS (ISDN) : +49-241-606-9820 BBS : +1-408-935-0380
| CompuServe : GO ELSA CIS : GO ELSA
| WWW : http://www.elsa.de WWW : http://www.elsa.com
| 04/03/97, FNicklis/CSchalle
Table of Contents:
1 Introduction
2 List of files
3 Installation
4 Additional Configuration Options
5 Known Problems
1 Introduction
This file will help you to install an ELSA graphics adapter. It
explaines how to setup the ELSA WINNER driver and how to check
whether it was installed properly.
For more information about how to configure an installed ELSA
display driver refer to the Windows help or the help files shipped
with the ELSA utilities.
2 List of files
NOTE Not all of the files listed below can be used by your graphic
adapters. Some utilities need especial adapter capabilities
and hardware.
The directory with the ELSA graphics driver for Windows NT
contains the following files:
DISK1 Identifier for the first disk
DISK2 Identifier for the second disk
DISK3 Identifier for the third disk
ELSA.HLP ELSA help file
ELSA.INF Script file for Microsoft setup program
LIESMICH.TXT German version of the file README.TXT
README.TXT The file you are reading
SETUP.EXE Setup utility
SETUP.INI Setup configuration file
TXTSETUP.OEM Script file for text setup at boot time
Machine-dependent files will be found in directories named
named .\I386\, .\ALPHA\ or .\PPC\:
graphics display drivers:
WINNER.SYS Miniport driver
WINNER.DLL Display driver
WINNERMB.DLL Multi-Display driver
Note: It is possible that not all subdirectories listed below
are available or necessary for your graphics adapter.
Subdirectory Dxctrl:
CYLINDER.X Data file for DirectX Control
DXCTRL.DLL DirectX Control property page
DXCTRL.INF Script file for Microsoft setup program
ELSA2.PPM Data file for DirectX Control
GLOBE.PPM Data file for DirectX Control
RAST1.PPM Data file for DirectX Control
SPHERE3.X Data file for DirectX Control
Subdirectory Glset:
GLSET.DLL GLoria Settings property page
GLSET.INF Script file for Microsoft setup program
GLSET.TEX Data file for GLoria Settings
GLSETENG.HLP English help file for GLoria Settings
GLSETDEU.HLP German help file for GLoria Settings
GLSETRAY.EXE GLoria Settings Tray utility
Subdirectory Monctrl:
24H96.TIM Sample Timing file for ELSA ECOMO 24H96
MONCTDEU.DLL Language extensions for MONCTRL
MONCTENG.DLL Language extensions for MONCTRL
MONCTRL.CPL Control Panel application for monitor settings
Subdirectory Videoctr:
VIDEOCTR.EXE Video Control application
VIDEOCTR.INF Script file for Microsoft setup program
3 Installation
NOTE This driver was designed to work properly with Windows NT 4.0
only! When using cdsetup.exe in US-english NT 4.0 with german
settings, the installation stops in "display properties". In
this case you have to install the drivers manually as described
in paragraph 3.3. The tools have been installed correctly.
We use the typical installation procedure as described in the
Microsoft Windows NT manual install the driver also.
There are a some possibilities to install an ELSA display driver:
- Text setup during NT installation (3.1)
- Running the ELSA Setup utility (3.2)
- Change the display driver using the display properties (3.3)
NOTE The ELSA display drivers are shipped on CD-ROM and can be
installed from there. In cases where there is no CD-ROM
it may be necessary to create installation disks first (3.4).
3.1 Text setup during system installation
The Windows NT Setup is a text based program that let you install
Windows NT. During this setup the Screen shows the text
>>Windows NT Workstation Setup
Setup has determined that your computer containes the following
hardware and software components.<<
followed by a list of components. The topic >>No Changes: The
above list matches my computer<< is highlighted.
Don't press ENTER now!
Move the highlight to >>Display: Auto Detect<< and press ENTER.
You are now able to select a display from the shown list.
NOTE We recommend to select >>Standard VGA (640x480, 16 colors)<<
now and continue with paragraph 3.2 later on when Windows NT
is installed properly!
You cannot install from CD-ROM now. You need to have Installation
discs at this time of driver setup. For information about how to
create driver installation discs from your CD-ROM read paragraph 3.4.
To install an ELSA display driver select >>Other (Requires disk
provided by a hardware manufacturer)<<.
You will are prompted to insert a manfacturer-supplied hardware
support disk into drive A. Insert disk 1, and press ENTER.
Select an entry matching your system:
>>ELSA i386 640 x 480, 256 colors<< for Intel-based machines,
>>ELSA Alpha 640 x 480, 256 colors<< for DEC Alpha machines,
>>ELSA PPC 640 x 480, 256 colors<< for PowerPCs.
Now accept the list, if it matches your computer. Continue the
installation following all instructions. Later on you will be
asked to change the ELSA installation disks.
During the installation you have to restart your computer. It
is now bootet in graphics mode. Later on the property page
>>Display properties<< is displayed to enable you to change
the default resolution. Don't forget to view the test screen
before pressing OK! The Windows NT Setup continues and then
reboots the system with the selected resolution.
NOTE When you want to use all features supported by the ELSA
graphics driver and shipped utilities, it is necessary to
install the driver again when Windows NT is running! Refer
to paragraph 3.2 or 3.3.
3.2 Running the ELSA Setup utility
This Setup utility allows you to install the display driver
To run Setup.exe you can either double click on it in the Microsoft
Explorer or choose >>Run...<< in the >>Start<< menue of the taskbar.
NOTE: Setup.exe cannot be run from diskettes. You have to copy all
your installation disks to a directory on a hard disk drive before or
start the program from the ELSA WINNERWare CD.
3.2.1 Additional Configuration Options
The Auto Setup utility SETUP.EXE reads the file SETUP.INI in which
some options may be set.
The section [Setup Options] provides the following keys:
- QuietInstall=ON/OFF; ON: SETUP.EXE installs the graphics display
driver without need for any user input. (default: OFF)
- AutoReboot=ON/OFF; ON: After copying the files the machine is
rebooted to complete the installation. (default: OFF)
The section [Tools] provides a "InstallableFiles" key. There are listed
all additional installation script files that are also installed when choosing
"Install ELSA graphics display drivers and utilities". These installation
script files have to provide a [DefaultInstall] and [DefaultUninstall]
section, so that they can be easily uninstalled/installed using
"Add/Remove Programs, Install/Uninstall..." in the control panel.
3.2.2 Options and comments
- Before running the Auto Setup utility close all running programs
and the >>Display Properties<< window.
- The Auto Setup cannot install the driver from diskettes.
- On slow CD-ROMs a timeout can cause the Auto Setup to stop
installation. In that case copy the driver directory to your
harddisk and install from there.
- Auto Setup only supports Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 in english
and german language.
- SETUP.EXE can be called with a parameter. This has to be the path
and the name of an .INF file. Example:
- When more than one Adapter is supported by the .INF file the
first item displayed in the Install list box is installed.
3.3 Change the display driver using the display properties
(manual installation)
You can install a graphics driver using the Display Properties
sheet. Open the Display Property sheet. Select the page
>>Settings<<, press the button >>Display Type...<< to open the
dialog with the same name and select >>Change...<< in the
Adapter Type frame. The >>Change Display<<-Dialog opens.
Don't look in the Manufacturers or Display list!
NOTE The entry >>Elsa WINNER 1000<< in this listbox will install
the general purpose S3 driver designed by Microsoft! The
entries in the Manufacturers >>S3<< list can be used but may
not allways work properly. Here also a general purpose
driver is installed!
Click the button >>Have Disk...<< to install the ELSA drivers.
Windows NT prompts you to enter the disk with the driver or browse
the path. Select >>Browse...<< when installing from CD-ROM and
locate the file ELSA.INF for the driver fitting your hardware.
When installing from disks, insert the first driver disk.
Select the >>OK<<-Button now.
A list box appears. There choose the entry matching your graphics
adapter and press >>OK<<. Confirm the >>Third-party Drivers<<
dialog with >>Yes<<.
Now the driver files and utilities are copied and installed to
your harddisk. When installing from diskettes the >>Insert Disk<<
dialog askes you to change the disks.
The >>Installing Driver<< window informes you that the driver has
been installed. Confirm this message and close all display
settings windows until you are asked to reboot your computer.
NOTE With Windows NT 4.0 graphic drivers cannot be loaded
dynamically. This is not an ELSA limitation.
To activate the ELSA driver, the computer has to be restarted
so please press >>Yes<< in the >>System Settings Change<< dialog.
When you've selected to restart, the system will reboot and
the initial installation is finished.
NOTE Windows NT 4.0 will now restart in a resolution of
640*480 pixel at 256 colors and 60Hz refresh. When you have
updated your driver the previous resolution is taken. Refer
to your Windows NT help on how to change the display
properties settings.
After Windows NT is restarted the dialog >>Registry Editor<<
informs you that some information has been entered to the
registry. This was done to install the display property pages.
Simultaneously the Display Properties sheet opens with the
>>Settings<< page and a dialog >>Invalid Display Settings<<
that tells you that a new driver was installed and you have
to select your preferred display resolution.
The ELSA utilities can be installed by clicking with the
right mouse button in the Explorer on the appropriate .INF
File and selecting "Install...".
NOTE: For Deinstallation, choose "Add/Remove Programs"
in Control Panel and select the utility you want to deinstall.
3.4 Installation disks
You can create installation disks by copying files from the
WINNERware CD-ROM or a downloaded file to diskettes.
There is not enough space for all files on one disk so you have
take three empty disks labeled "ELSA Windows NT 4.0 DISC 1",
"ELSA Windows NT 4.0 DISC 2" and "ELSA Windows NT 4.0
DISC 3".
Now copy the following files from your CD-ROM to:
- Disk 1 ("ELSA Windows NT 4.0 DISC 1"):
- Disk 2 ("ELSA Windows NT 4.0 DISC 2"):
- Disk 3 ("ELSA Windows NT 4.0 DISC 3"):
For Alpha- or PowerPC-Installation disks you have to replace
the I386\-folder by the ALPHA\- or PPC\-folder with containing
files from your CD-ROM.
3.5 Check whether the installation was done properly
There are several posibilities to get the version number of
the ELSA Windows NT graphics driver and to determine whether
the installation was done properly.
3.5.1 Display Properties
Open the Display Properties window as described in your Windows
NT manual. Select the >>Settings<< page and click on >>Display
Type<<. The dialog >>Display Type<< gives information about the
installed adapter, the running display driver and the hardware
recognized by the driver.
NOTE The driver has to be installed to use this feature!
3.5.2 ELSA Monitor Control
Open the Control Panel and select the icon >>MonCtrl<<. When
running an ELSA driver the version number of the driver is
displayed above the OK and Cancel button.
3.5.3 Checking the driver files
Use the Explorer to watch the file properties for either
one of the files WINNER.SYS, WINNER.DLL or WINNERMB.DLL. The
files can be found in the directory System32\Drivers and
System32 of your Windows NT.
4 Additional Configuration Options
4.1 How to configure the driver
In the following the settings of an ELSA graphics driver for
Windows NT and the corresponding entries in the registry database
will be explained. Changes can be done with the ELSA utilies
MonCtrl, GLoria Settings or manually with the registry editor.
NOTE Unexperienced users should not make any changes to the
registry directly! Use the utilities!
4.1.1 ELSA Monitor Control
Start the ELSA MonCtrl utility doubleclicking the "ELSA MonCtrl"
icon found in the Control Panel. Changes in MonCtrl will affect
the entries in the registry.
4.1.2 GLoria Settings
The ELSA GLoria Settings property page allows you to configure
the 3D options on ELSA GLoria graphic adapters.
4.1.3 DirectX Settings
On graphic adapters that support Direct Draw the ELSA DirectX
settings property page allows you to configure Direct Draw
options. Direct 3D is not supported with Windows NT until now.
4.1.4 Video Control
The ELSA Video Control utility allows to configure the video
output on graphic adapters with Trio64V2-DX oder Virge-DX.
4.1.5 Registry Editor
Windows NT stores its configuration information in a database
that is organized in a tree type format. The Registry Editor
enables you to inspect and modify the Registry. To run Registry
Editor, run REGEDT32.EXE (in the SYSTEM32 directory).
The entries for the ELSA WINNER graphics driver are placed in
the window HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the path
4.2 Multi Screen Options
Some ELSA graphics adapters can be used in a multi screen mode.
Two or more adapter cards and just as much monitors are driven
from one computer. This will result in an enlarged desktop. A
list with graphics adapters that support multi screen is found
in 4.2.3.
4.2.1 Installing multi screen
There is no special multi screen installation. After you have
placed a second ELSA graphics adapter into your computer the
Control Panel offers you new extended resolution in the
"Display" utility.
NOTE There is no special information that multi screen is
enabled. You can only see this in the extended
4.2.2 Configuration of the multi screen mode
The entries "DesktopOnMaximize" and "ReverseScreenOrder"
in the registry database influence the multi screen operation.
NOTE Look for the frame "Multi Screen Options" in the
MonCtrl utility. DesktopOnMaximize
This switch adjusts how dialogues and windows are displayed on
the N screens.
NOTE Look for "Maximize on all screens" in the MonCtrl
0x0: When maximizing a window it be displayed only on the
left screen. Dialogues will appear on the left screen.
Advantage: Dialogues and windows aren't split by
screen borders.
Disadvantage: Dialogues always appear left, even if the
application runs on the right screen. Position
settings of MDI-applications (e.g. Microstation) will
be lost after a restart of the program.
0x1: When maximizing a window it fills out all N screens.
Advantage: Position settings of MDI-applications
(e.g. Microstation) will be restored after a restart.
Disadvantage: Dialogues and windows may be displayed on
screen borders. ReverseScreenOrder
This entry exchanges the order of the N screens.
NOTE "Reverse screen order" in the MonCtrl utility.
0x0: The order of the adapters is 1, 2, ..., N
0x1: The order of the adapters is N, ..., 2, 1
4.2.3 Supported graphic adapters
Until now only combinations of equal ELSA graphics adapters
from the following list are supported:
WINNER 2000 Pro/X
NOTE You can only use adapters with the same memory
4.3 Monitor Timings
With timing files made for your monitor you may:
- Install new resolutions for a better usage of the
possibilities supported by your monitor.
- Modify new timings for a given resolution.
NOTE Look at the frame "Monitor timings for:" in the MonCtrl
4.3.1 Configuring the monitor timings
The registry entries belonging to the monitor timings are
placed in the subfolder WINNER\DeviceX\. Monitor.Select
This entry selects how the timing file shall be used.
Ignore: All entries in the timing file will be ignored.
Prefere: Resolutions listed in the timing file will be favored.
If the driver supports the same resolution as listed in
the timing file, the timings of the file will be
prefered. Driver resolutions without correspondence
in the timing file are not affected and displayed.
Exclusive: All standard resolutions of the driver are thrown
away. Only the new timings of the timing file are
offered in the "Display"-Tool. Monitor.Name
In Monitor.Name a string to identify the timing entries is
stored. This should be an identifier for ypur monitor, e.g.:
ELSA GDM-17E40T Monitor.Timings
This entry containes binary data with the monitor timings taken
from the timing file. These values are written by the MonCtrl
4.3.2 TIM file format
A file with timing entries has the extension ".TIM". It has to
be placed in the SYSTEM32 folder of your Windows NT. The files
containes lines with ASCII text and can be modified with every
editor (e.g. NOTEPAD.EXE).
The first line names the timing list (e.g. "ELSA GDM-17E40T").
This is the string displayed in MonCtrl an stored in
Monitor.Name. In each of the following lines one timing is
defined. Every line containes 14 comma separated values.
The meaning of the values is (in correct order):
- xRes: Number of pixels in X direction (e.g. 1024).
- yRes: Number of lines in Y direction (e.g. 768).
- Bpp: Number of bits for each pixel, for colors (e.g. 16).
- Hz: Refresh frequency in Hertz (e.g. 79).
- PxClk: Pixel clock in kHz (z.B. 95455).
- Ht: Horizontal total in pixels (e.g. 1312).
- Hfp: Horizontal frontporch in pixels (e.g. 16).
- Hsw: Horizontal sync-width in pixels (e.g. 96).
- Hbp: Horizontal backporch in pixels (e.g. 176).
- Vt: Vertical total in lines (e.g. 800).
- Vfp: Vertical frontporch in lines (e.g. 1).
- Vsw: Vertical sync-width in lines (e.g. 3).
- Vbp: Vertical backporch in lines (e.g. 28).
- If: Interlaced flag (should allway be 0).
With the given examples the file would look as follows:
1024,768,16,79, 95455, 1312,16,96,176, 800,1,3,28, 0
NOTE On the ELSA drivers CD-ROM there is a DOS utility
(WINSETUP.EXE) to find out the timings for your
4.4 Gloria/OpenGL settings
The following descriptions are only meant for the ELSA
Gloria 4/8 graphic adapters. They belong to the 3D extensions
supported by the OpenGL graphics interface.
NOTE For all entries there is a correspondence in the GLoria Settings
utility in the frame "GLoria Options"
4.4.1 ICD extensions
The following parameters of the Installable Client Driver (ICD)
affect the behaviour of the 3D functions on the Gloria. ICDInterface.Disable
This switch enables or disables the OpenGL support by the ICD
NOTE "Disable 3D-Extensions" in GLoria Settings.
0x0: OpenGL will be supported by the Gloria (default).
0x1: Software-OpenGL (no GLint) or OpenGL using 3D-DDI ICDInterface.ExportAlpha
Allows the hardware to use the softwares alpha channel. With
Programs which don't use the alpha channel this may cause an
performance loss up to 25 %.
NOTE "Use alpha channels" in GLoria Settings.
0x0: The driver doesn't export an alpha channel (default).
0x1: The driver exports an alpha channel. ICDInterface.NumberOfDisplayBuffers
This switch enables and disables DoubleBuffering. The entry
stands for the number of buffers.
NOTE "OpenGL buffers" in GLoria Settings.
0x1: Only one display buffer is used; no DoubleBuffering.
0x2: DoubleBuffering enabled (default). ICDInterface.SizeOfBuffer
This is used to control the size in longs of the shared memory
block allocated to each individual rendering context. This
buffer is used when DMA is disabled or the entire DMA buffer
is in use. After the next restart this change will take
NOTE "Interface buffer size" in GLoria Settings.
Valid values: 0x100 to 0x10000, the default is 0x10000 (64 kB). ICDInterface.SupportSingleBufferedGDI
This flag decides how GDI and OpenGL commands are handled in
the same window in the front buffer.
NOTE "GDI in single buffered modes" in GLoria Settings.
0x0: GDI commands cannot be drawn in OpenGL windows.
0x1: OpenGL and GDI can simultaneously use the front buffer
(default). ICDInterface.SupportDoubleBufferedGDI
Lets OpenGL export the ability to let OpenGL and GDI draw in the
back buffer.
NOTE "GDI in double buffered modes" in GLoria Settings.
0x0: GDI commands cannot be drawn in OpenGL windows
0x1: OpenGL and GDI can simultaneously use the back buffer.
(recommended for 3D Studio MAX)
NOTE It exports the flag but all GDI calls are drawn in the
front buffer! ICDInterface.SupportOverlayPlanes
This switch enables the driver to support overlay planes,
which are e.g. used by Softimage.
NOTE "Support Overlay Planes" in GLoria Settings.
0x0: No support for overlay planes (default).
0x1: Overlay planes are supported. ICDInterface.VBlankWait
This switch enables the driver to turn on the wait for
vertical blanks when swapping OpenGL buffers.
NOTE >>Wait on Vertical Blank<< in GLoria Settings.
0x0: Swap buffers is not syncronized with vertical
blank (default).
0x1: The driver waits for vertical blanks. ICDInterface.PageFlipping
In True Color the driver provides a page flipping mode
when swapping OpenGL buffers instead of blitting.
0x0: Don't use page flipping anyway.
0x1: Driver uses page flipping instead of blits
when possible (default).
4.4.2 GLint-DMA settings
The parameters of the GLintDMA group configure the DMA
capabilities of the GLint. GLintDMA.NumberOfBuffers
This is used to determine the number of individual DMA buffers
that can be in use at any one time. After the next restart this
change will take effect.
NOTE "DMA buffers" in GLoria Settings.
Valid values: 0x0 to 0x4, the default is 0x4. GLintDMA.NumberOfSubBuffers
Used to control the ICD drivers subdivision of the DMA buffer.
NOTE "DMA subbuffers" in GLoria Settings.
Valid values: 0x0 to 0x9, the default is 0x5. GLintDMA.SizeOfBuffer
This is the total size of the DMA buffer which is devided up
amongst the individual processes that use DMA. After the next
restart this change will take effect.
NOTE "DMA buffer size" in GLoria Settings.
Valid values: 0x100 to 0x10000, the default is 0x8000 (32 kB). GLintDMA.CachedBuffers
This switch enables the driver to cache GLint data in the
processors cache. Though the GLint reads all date from the
main memory, differences between memory and cache may appear.
After the next restart this change will take effect.
NOTE "Cached DMA" in GLoria Settings.
0x0: forces uncached DMA
0x1: forces cached DMA
0x2: let the driver decide whether it uses cached or non
cached DMA (default).
4.4.3 OpenGL.UseFastClear
This value affects the usage of fast clear planes. When running
multi-threaded applications it may be necessary to disable the
useen of the fast clear planes. After the next restart this
change will take effect.
NOTE "Use Fast Clear Pages" in GLoria Settings.
0x0: Fast clear planes disabled.
0x1: Fast clear planes enabled
NOTE For MicroStation this switch has to be set!
4.4.4 OpenGL.UseHiQualityTexture
This switch affects the precision and resolution for
texture mapping.
0x0: Normal precision and resolution
0x1: High precision and resolution
4.4.5 OpenGL.SupportSoftimage
This switch fixes corrupted menue and window borders in
Softimage 3.01. Use this switch only when running
Softimage 3.01!
NOTE "Support Softimage" in GLoria Settings.
0x0: Softimage fix not activated (default)
0x1: Softimage fix is active.
4.4.6 OpenGL.SupportSoftimage351
This switch enables functions especially to support
Softimage 3.51. Use this switch only when running
Softimage 3.51!
NOTE "Support Softimage 3.51" in GLoria Settings.
0x0: Softimage 3.51 fix not activated (default)
0x1: Softimage 3.51 fix is active.
4.4.7 OpenGL.DisableMipMaps
This switch allows the user to force rendering performance
when using textures by disabling the mipmaping. This overrules
every applications OpenGL command for texture filtering. At
the same time you will lose accuracy.
NOTE Slider "Texture Quality" in GLoria Settings.
0x0: Mip-Maping is enabled
0x1: Mip-Maping is disabled
4.4.8 OpenGL.TextureCompression
This value is used to reduce the texture size actually
downloaded to the texture memory on the graphics board
by simply shrinking the texture. This will enhance the
rendering performance. At the same time you will lose
NOTE Slider "Texture Quality" in GLoria Settings.
0x0: No texture compression
0x1: Texture compression by 1/4
0x2: Texture compression by 1/16
0x3: Texture compression by 1/64
4.5 Additional Options
4.5.1 EnableDeviceBitmaps
This value is used to turn on and off the usage of device
bitmaps. When enabled the driver supports more performance.
0x0: Device Bitmaps disabled
0x1: Device Bitmaps enabled (default)
ELSA offers optional for the programmer the toolkit POWERlib
for creating your own applications using the ELSA graphics
board for graphical output. This tool is available for Windows
5 Known Problems
- If the application under OpenGL requests "Double Buffering"
and the GLoria cannot realize it anymore (1024x768x32 bpp),
software emulation will be automatically installed.
To force hardware OpenGL you have to disable double buffering
in your application!
- The driver cannot run on a system where a COM4 port is
- Don't use the standard S3 display driver. While setup detects
your computers hardware choose cancel to avoid the installation
of the S3 driver.
- No mouse cursor: You have installed the S3 driver shipped
with Windows NT.
- When running an OpenGL application and switching from DOS box
to DOS fullscreen and back, the OpenGL-Application crashes.
The same happens changing the Display Properties.
In that cases the driver is initialized by Windows NT loosing
all information about running OpenGL tasks.
- Installing the driver in from diskettes as described in
the >>Text Setup<< paragraph doesn't acivate all 3D and Direct
Draw settings. You have to install the driver for new after
the Windows NT setup is finished.
- When the ELSA graphics board is not recognized try another
PCI slot. Some board manufacuters have implemented PCI slots
that are not PCI compliant.